F. Nietzsche and the will to power – his influence in psychology and psychopathology.

Index Similarities and differences between Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. Greek tragedy as a representation of human existence. The subversion of values. The history of the error at the basis of the decline of modern man. The “death of God” and the birth of the Overman. The will to power. The eternal return and the tremendous moment.Continue reading “F. Nietzsche and the will to power – his influence in psychology and psychopathology.”

Schopenhauer and psychology: “The world is my representation”.

thIndex The body is the representation of my will. Is man a servant of the Will? The ways of liberation from pain. The ethics of compassion. The refusal of suicide. The asceticism. Suffering and release from pain. Conclusions. Introduction Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) states that the whole world is my subjective representation. He declares himself aContinue reading “Schopenhauer and psychology: “The world is my representation”.”

Self-Consciousness: from the particular individual to the universal subject.

Index Self-consciousness and vigilance. Self-activity. Self-identity and unity. Self-boundaries and infinity. Conclusions. Self-consciousness is the feeling of existing (“ I am “). It is self-awareness: an experience lived in each of us without the need for evidence or scientific evidence. When we attribute an existence to ourselves or to another person, we recognize a self-consciousness.Continue reading “Self-Consciousness: from the particular individual to the universal subject.”